🔞VIP club

Condition to Become VIP: Purchase 3 TON.

VIP Benefits:

  • Auto Earn FISH: Earn FISH automatically without participating in the game.

  • Immediately Upgrade Silver Tier: Participate in unlimited silver tier rank benefit, providing constant opportunities to improve and earn rewards.

  • Daily FISH Increase: Receive a daily increase in FISH, ensuring a steady growth of resources.

  • Free Fish: VIP members are given free fish, offering a head start and continuous support in building their army.

VIP Club vs. Normal Users Comparison

FeaturesVIP ClubNormal Users


Silver Tier

Standard Tier

Turn Limits

Unlimited turns

10 turns per hour

Affiliate Commissions on PVP

Auto Earn FISH

Play to Earn FISH

Not Required


By implementing this detailed ranking system and VIP club, Fishwar ensures a structured progression path and exclusive benefits, motivating players to stay engaged and strive for higher achievements within the game.

Last updated